Garden Close Sutton planning application refused

Abbey Homes application at Garden Close refused

The application by Abbey Homes for the ‘reserved matters’ at their site at Garden Close Sutton has been refused by East Cambridgeshire District Council today.

Abbey Homes still has its outline planning permission, but the council has refused this application for the details.

Eight reasons are given for the refusal.

  1. The scale and form and density of the proposed development does not accord with the aims and objectives of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019 which requires development on the site to be predominantly low-density single-storey dwellings. The scheme as proposed therefore fails to respect its edge of settlement location and fails to preserve or enhance the views into and out of the settlement. The proposal conflicts with Policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Policy NP5 of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019.
  2. The reduction of open space, tree and hedge removal and changes to the drainage strategy have not been adequately assessed within the scheme as to what harm would occur to the ecology and protected species of the site, which also would result in irreparable damage to the Great Crested Newt habitats on and off the site. Furthermore an updated Ecology Management Plan (LEMP) has not been received and this document is an integral part of the s106 Agreement and secures the welfare of protected species and the management of ecology and biodiversity networks/systems. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to Policy ENV7 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Policy NP2 of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019.
  3. The mix of market housing proposed on site fails to contribute to meeting the needs of the village. The lack of 2 bedroom market dwellings as well as the needs of an ageing population looking to downsize into homes suitable for lifetime occupation have not been accommodated within the development. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy HOU1 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Policy NP7 of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019.
  4. The proposal fails to provide an acceptable turning and parking layout on site as well as limited visitor parking contrary to Policies COM7 and COM8 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015.
  5. The location of an area of accessible public open space as well as the parking layout to the north of the site does not provide a suitable buffer to protect the residential amenities of an adjoining occupier who has protected characteristics. As such the scheme would not comply with Policy ENV2 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.
  6. Insufficient information has been provided to support the view that a sustainable urban drainage strategy can be delivered satisfactorily throughout the site without compromising the amenities of neighbouring properties through the raising of land levels to the rear of properties in Garden Close. The overbearing nature of the development would lead to a loss of privacy; overlooking; over shadowing which is exacerbated by the disparity in scale of the existing bungalows along the western boundary of the site and the applicant’s intention to provide two storey dwellings throughout the development. The proposal is contrary to Policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Policy NP5 of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019.
  7. No information has been provided with the reserved matters application of the design and layout of the POS nor the LEAP. Furthermore the applicants’ have failed to provide information on how much public open space has been lost due to the changes in layout and the introduction of SUDS features around the site. Moreover as the drainage strategy is in the process of agreement between the statutory consultee, neighbours, and the applicant, to which the Council has not been a party to, it is also not known how much of the POS would be lost to accommodate the new drainage strategy. Due to insufficient information being received to satisfy the Council’s concerns the proposal would conflict with Policy GROWTH 3 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015.
  8. Due to the continued submission of contradictory tree information, combined with the unnecessary loss of category B trees and high likelihood of future pressures for tree removals and pruning that there would be an adverse impact on the settlement character and visual amenities of the area. The proposal is contrary to Policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2015 and Policy NP5 of the Sutton Neighbourhood Plan 2019.

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