Fenland and Peterborough in COVID support pilot

Monalisa, Mona Lisa, Mask, Painting, Corona, Virus

A pilot scheme to address COVID-19 transmission in Fenland, Peterborough, and South Holland has been given the green light by Government.

COVID rates in these areas have been stubbornly high, and ‘enduring transmission’ means that the virus is embedded and spread across communities. Rates in Peterborough remain higher than the national and regional average, despite extensive work with communities; and the working age population has the highest rate of COVID-19 cases.

The Government is allocating £2.6 million to allow the pilot to proceed across the three areas over the next three months. It will focus on the food production, packaging and distribution, general warehousing, and construction industries, and, in particular, will target lower paid workers and those on zero hour contracts who have higher rates of COVID-19.  These groups of workers often experience wage and job insecurity which affects their willingness to be tested and to self-isolate if positive. In addition, they often experience overcrowded accommodation and travel to work arrangements that are not COVID-safe.

The bid will enable a number of interventions.

  • Additional payments to workers which for some will be in addition to the £500 grant available to those on benefits, if they are able to demonstrate hardship. Many workers are not entitled to company sick pay and have to rely on statutory sick pay.
  • Payments to be channelled through a trusted third sector organisation with the support of local authority staff and systems.
  • Work with key regulatory agencies such as the Gangmaster & Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) to engage with agencies and employers to support them to increase job security for workers self-isolating.
  • A limited network of COVID-safe public transport links to target workplaces for agency workers and those living in rural areas. Marshals will travel on buses and control queues at boarding points.
  • In certain circumstances, payments will be made to ensure rent or mortgage arrears are not incurred or homes lost.
  • COVID-safe accommodation will be available where needed for people who test positive to allow them to self-isolate, particularly if they live in a dwelling in multiple occupation.

Following Government approval, the councils concerned are now putting into place the different aspects of the pilot so that work can begin with employers as soon as possible.

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