Innovate & Cultivate Fund now open

The next deadline to apply to Cambridgeshire County Council’s Innovate & Cultivate Fund is Sunday 1 August 2021.

The fund supports projects that strengthen communities and reduce pressure on County Council services, so that the Council makes a return on investment. The Council’s adult social care and children’s services are inviting applications. 

The fund is open to voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises in and outside Cambridgeshire, and public sector organisations in Cambridgeshire. Projects serving Peterborough residents are not eligible.

This round is for applications for ‘Cultivate’ projects (£2,000-£15,000) which build community support networks for vulnerable people. ‘Innovate’ grants (£15,000-£50,000) are currently suspended.

Pre-application advice

It’s a good idea to get advice before you put in an application.  Telephone advice appointments are available on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 June – they last fifteen minutes, and must be pre-booked. They are available on a first come first served basis. Please book here.

Cultivate Project Ideas

Do you want to do something for your community but need some inspiration to start a project? The Council has advice for seven different project ideas to help you apply. Projects like these can help people remain independent and active in their community, encourage volunteering, and complement more costly Council services. You can find guidance on how to apply for a start-up grant for each of these projects here

  1. Mobile Warden Schemes
  2. Community Youth Worker
  3. Digital Inclusion
  4. Timebanks
  5. Good Neighbour Schemes
  6. Dementia-Friendly Communities
  7. Men’s Sheds

You can find application forms and more information on the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation (CCF) website.

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