The Local Lead Flood Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council) is continuing to object to the planning application for a crematorium on the site of the Mepal Outdoor Centre.
The authority’s response to further information from the applicant is as follows.
Thank you for your re-consultation.
The applicant has provided additional information which has addressed our previous concerns with respect to surface water drainage, subject to a suitably worded drainage condition accompanying any planning approval. However, it’s noted that no additional information has been provided to address our previous concerns with respect to flood risk at the site. At present we continue to object to the grant of planning permission for the following reasons:
- Parts of the development are located in Flood Zone 3b, and the proposed development type of ‘less vulnerable’ is not permitted within the functional flood plain. It’s noted that the EA has been consulted, who indicated the site is considered to have a Flood Zone 3a designation; however, this needs to be agreed by the Local Planning Authority through relevant consultation between all parties. All relevant consultation should be appended to the FRA report and provided as evidence of the Flood Zone 3a designation; and,
- The EA should be consulted to obtain the most up to date flood data for the site area, and confirm that information presented within the East Cambridge District Council SFRA still provides an accurate assessment of fluvial and tidal flood risk at the site. This data should also be used to inform mitigation measures required for the development.
The latest deadline for determination of the application requested by the Council is Monday 13 June, but no reason for the delay was given on the request letter, and no acceptance of this delay has yet been posted to the Council’s planning website.
Pity you didnt raise so many concerns when it stood empty for so many years
We were told by the Council’s leadership that they were still working on an agreement with the successful applicant who had bid to take it on. In fact they had been working in secret for eighteen months on their plan to build a crematorium on the site.
Has anyone raised the question if the proposal to bury bodies (animal or human) in this land is permitted under the regulations relating to watertable and watercourses? The original idea, if I remember correctly, was to include a pet cemetery on site? As far as burial of ashes is concerned, I would have thought that there could be a problem with leachate if there was a concentration of ashes in an area like this near to a watercourse and where the watertable is relatively high.
Very late response on this – sorry! The Environment Agency is still requesting more information about exactly what is proposed. (link may work – links to the Council planning pages can be a bit flaky) is the latest.
Hi a feel that this site should be put back to a out side play area as Chatteris is growing we have no were for the kids of Chatteris to go i have to take my grandchildren out of the town to go to any play Centers and as Chatteris is now planning on more homes being put up we should be looking at this for the kids of the town i used this center with my own children and have very happy times they so i feel this should never have been taken away from the town
Totally agree..we need a recreational area for families. Children need to find the enjoyment of the outdoors instead of computer games.Thought we was looking at healthy life styles