Two new planning applications have reached East Cambridgeshire District Council, both with deadlines of 5 November for response.
(1) Proposed 3 bedroom dwelling
Adjacent To 2 Tower Road Sutton Cambridgeshire CB6 2QA
Reference: 15/01154/OUT
(2) Construction of a single storey side extension
1 Stewards Close Sutton Cambridgeshire CB6 2NQ*
Reference: 15/01150/FUL
If you have any representations to make about these applications, please comment directly to the council’s planning department: see the council’s website (‘How do I make comments?’) for details of how to respond.
*Note in the interests of full disclosure: I rented 1 Stewards Close from a friend for four months in 2012, but have no financial interest in the property, and am highly unlikely to be involved in determining the application anyway.