The Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel is looking for a committed and energetic person from Cambridgeshire or Peterborough to help oversee and scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
The Police and Crime Commissioner is required to consult with the Panel on his plans and budget for policing, the level of Council Tax, and the appointment of certain staff, including the Chief Constable.
The role of a panel member is an important and challenging one and offers the chance to review the strategy, decisions and actions of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The full panel comprises eleven Councillors from the county, city and district councils of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, plus two independent co-opted members.
The Panel is looking for an independent co-opted member to join who has a track record in community involvement, can represent a cross section of views and concerns of the public and has a keen interest in policing, crime prevention, victim support, and community partnerships.
The applicant should be willing and able to scrutinise reports, papers and budgets; attend five half-day public meetings with the Police and Crime Commissioner, plus occasional extraordinary meetings, briefings, planning meetings and conferences each year; and contribute to setting the work agenda of the Panel.
Meetings will take place throughout Cambridgeshire and Peterborough for which travel expenses will be provided. The term of appointment will be four years. Expenses are paid up to a maximum of £920 per annum.
For full details and a copy of the application pack please contact Claire Osborne at or telephone 01733 452273. The closing date for applications is 5pm Friday 2 September 2016.