With a meeting of Cambridgeshire County Council planned for tomorrow, and of East Cambs District Council for Wednesday, to discuss the Government’s ‘devolution’ offer, it was only this afternoon that the Government got round to publishing the actual proposed legal Order for the devolution arrangements.
Local authorities are required to publish papers for meetings five working days in advance of the meeting. This can only be varied in special circumstances.
Cambridgeshire County Council has rightly agreed to postpone tomorrow’s meeting (already postponed from October because the Government wasn’t ready) to Tuesday next week. I’ve written to the Chief Executive of East Cambs District Council asking him to remove this item from Wednesday’s agenda, and postpone the district council meeting to give councillors time to read the draft Order, and council officers time to advise us.
The district council could still meet on Wednesday to consider the other items on the agenda, including the Local Plan, if it wished.
I’m awaiting a response.
My letter to East Cambs District Council
Along with other county councillors I have just received the following message from Shire Hall:
‘With the agreement of Group Leaders, the Monitoring Officer has moved the extraordinary meeting of Council to a week later, from 2.30pm on Tuesday 15 November 2016 to 2.30pm on Tuesday 22 November. The papers already published will be considered then, with the addition of Appendix 1A, to be published later today.’
This is evidently the right decision, given that the actual devolution Order (Appendix 1A) has still not been provided by HMG in due time for local authorities in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough to consider it on the advertised date. Local authorities have already moved their meetings from the third week of October to accommodate delays by HMG.
The decision local authorities will be asked to make is both significant and potentially long-lasting, in both financial and governance terms. In view of this, and of the fact that this important document, which I understand is likely to include a number of changes from previous versions, has not been published in due time as laid down in the council’s constitution, I am therefore writing to request that the whole agenda item is removed from Wednesday’s Full Council agenda, and delayed to a date which will comply with our constitutional requirements. To do otherwise would, I suggest, at best be a dereliction of our duty, and at worst leave the council open to legal challenge.