I’m very pleased indeed that Sutton Parish Council has agreed to take the first step in seeking to have The Chequers public house in Sutton’s high street listed as an Asset of Community Value. This is something I’ve been encouraging for some time.
Local groups – including parish councils – can nominate a building or piece of land that is important for the social well-being of the area for inclusion on the council’s ‘List of Assets of Community Value’. If the district council accepts the building for inclusion on the list, the local community can then bid for it if it comes up for sale in the future.
Apart from the Anchor at Sutton Gault, which is a very different type of enterprise, The Chequers is the last pub in the village. It’s really important for our community that it remains a pub, and this process does offer a significant measure of protection for it.
Sutton has lost too many of its amenities over the years, and we need to protect what we have. I will be encouraging the district council to support the parish council’s application.