Recent planning applications

The following application in the Sutton division has been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

Little Downham
Site at Stables, Hurst Lane, Little Downham
Outline permission sought for large detached single dwelling – 2 storey with tree belt planting to northern edge.

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Recent planning applications

The following applications in the Sutton division have been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

Site to north east of 9 High Street, Witcham
Two storey, low energy sustainable home.

16/01370/FUL and 16/01371/LBC
Windrush Cottage, 22 High Street, Witcham CB6 2LQ
Enlarge existing sun room/study to form orangery with lantern light. Replace study window, front door and side elevation door.

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Renewing your concessionary bus pass online

Over the next twelve months 80,000 people across Cambridgeshire will need to renew their concessionary bus pass.

Around half of these use online services. If you’re one of those 40,000 or so, and are comfortable renewing your bus pass online, doing so will free Contact Centre and library staff to help those who don’t have internet access.

Renewing online means you can use your own photograph, and even see what it looks like on a mock bus pass.

The county council has been emailing reminders inviting people to renew their concessionary bus pass. Nearly 70 per cent of recipients have gone on to renew online which has saved the council a lot of time and money already, but has also made it easier for people renewing.

So if you have internet access, and feel comfortable using it, do use the online form to renew your bus pass.

Recent planning applications

The following applications in the Sutton division have been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

26 Main Street, Coveney CB6 2DJ
Outline application with all matters reserved except access and layout for the erection of 4 detached dwellings and the formation of a parking area and domestic curtilage to an existing cottage.

Little Downham
19 Main Street, Pymoor CB6 2ED
Construction of a Chalet Style (One and a half storey) dwelling.

Little Downham
Land south east of Willow Farm, Pymoor Common, Pymoor
Erection of straw store cover building on agricultural land

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Recent planning applications

The following applications in the Sutton division have been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

Little Downham
Site adjacent to 10 Pymoor Lane, Pymoor
Residential development for 3no. detached dwellings

Site east of Grove House, Bridge Road, Mepal
Erection of bungalow, garage and new vehicular access


Site between 14 and 18 High Street, Sutton
Demolition of existing wall along the front boundary. Erection of two detached dwellings  with access, parking


Rear of 12A Martins Lane, Witcham CB6 2LB
Demolition of existing wall along the front boundary. Erection of two detached dwellings  with access, parking

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Recent planning applications

The following applications in the Sutton division have been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

Manor House, 2 Main Street, Coveney CB6 2DJ
Internal alterations to kitchen and single storey rear extension

Manor House, 2 Main Street, Coveney CB6 2DJ
Internal alterations to kitchen and single storey rear extension

Little Downham

Land South West of Broadlands, Straight Furlong, Pymoor
Erection of new dwelling with garage and associated works

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

Outpatient services secured in Ely and Doddington

Peterborough & Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is set to provide outpatient clinics at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Ely and at Doddington Hospital from September next year.

The announcement comes today from the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, who have been looking for someone to provide the clinics at Ely and Doddington since current provider Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust last year announced its intention to quit.

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust will continue to provide outpatients services at the two hospitals for the next twelve months until Peterborough & Stamford take over.

This is excellent news and ends a long period of uncertainty.  Now let’s hope the Clinical Commissioning Group comes forward with proposals that keep our minor injury units in place as well.

Recent planning applications

The following applications in the Sutton division have been published recently by East Cambridgeshire District Council:

24 Main Street Coveney Ely Cambridgeshire CB6 2DJ
Proposed timber frame rear/side extension to existing dwelling

24 Main Street Coveney Ely Cambridgeshire CB6 2DJ
Proposed timber frame rear/side extension to existing dwelling

Little Downham
57 Ely Road Little Downham CB6 2SN
Demolition of existing garage. Single storey side and rear extension to bungalow, with associated internal alterations

Little Downham
Land south west Of 1 Straight Furlong Pymoor Cambridgeshire
Outline permission for 3 detached dwellings

Paradise Cottage Engine Bank Mepal Ely Cambridgeshire
Erection of Garden Store

Land Adjacent 43 Mepal Road Sutton Cambridgeshire
SCREENING OPINION Proposed residential development

To Rear Of 2 The Brook Sutton Ely Cambridgeshire CB6 2PU
Construction of 3 bed bungalow

Further information can be found on the district council’s planning pages.

If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, comments should be addressed to the district council and not to me.  Comments may be made

  • Online using the council’s public access webpage (the link above);
  • By email to;
  • Or by post to the Planning Department, The Grange, Nutholt Lane, Ely, CB7 4EE.

The NHS and new homes

Nurse and patient small

One of the questions that has cropped up most frequently whenever plans for housing growth are discussed is ‘What about health care and space at the doctors’ surgery?’.

On Tuesday 5 July I asked the following question of the Primary Care* Co-Commissioning Joint Committee of NHS England and the local Clinical Commissioning Group:

How does the Joint Committee intend to identify and address the potential need for additional primary care services arising from housing growth proposed in the revision of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan, currently being prepared by East Cambridgeshire District Council, and what mechanisms exist for the Joint Committee to do so?

(*’Primary care’ is people’s first point of contact with the NHS – it includes GP practices, primary dentists, community pharmacies and the eye tests you would get in the high street.)

The response of the Joint Committee was as follows:

The CCG and NHS England (NHSE) do not have a formal mechanism for discussions between the Primary Care Co-Commissioning Joint Committee and East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) at the moment. We do hold a regular New Communities Group at which we plan strategically for new housing growth and we would welcome input from ECDC in the future.

Public Health at the County Council is acting as a central point to pull together the different organisations across the system (District Councils, County Council, CCG, community health providers etc.) to plan for growth and put the right people in touch with each other. Iain Green, Public Health Specialist, is already making these connections and will continue to do so in his new pan-County role which starts at the beginning of September 2016. He has confirmed that he will be making early contact with the Head of Planning to start the conversations.

It is our intention to prepare a presentation for the membership of the Joint Committee at one of their forthcoming development sessions, to advise of the health commissioning processes at the interface with planning in the context of growth projections and the wider Strategic Estates Plan, in order to inform their future decision making.

We acknowledge that it is early days and the conversations have just started, but we hope that this early engagement will be a step in the right direction.

I think that means ‘We’re beginning to think about it’, which is at least a start.