One of the questions that has cropped up most frequently whenever plans for housing growth are discussed is ‘What about health care and space at the doctors’ surgery?’.
On Tuesday 5 July I asked the following question of the Primary Care* Co-Commissioning Joint Committee of NHS England and the local Clinical Commissioning Group:
How does the Joint Committee intend to identify and address the potential need for additional primary care services arising from housing growth proposed in the revision of the East Cambridgeshire Local Plan, currently being prepared by East Cambridgeshire District Council, and what mechanisms exist for the Joint Committee to do so?
(*’Primary care’ is people’s first point of contact with the NHS – it includes GP practices, primary dentists, community pharmacies and the eye tests you would get in the high street.)
The response of the Joint Committee was as follows:
The CCG and NHS England (NHSE) do not have a formal mechanism for discussions between the Primary Care Co-Commissioning Joint Committee and East Cambridgeshire District Council (ECDC) at the moment. We do hold a regular New Communities Group at which we plan strategically for new housing growth and we would welcome input from ECDC in the future.
Public Health at the County Council is acting as a central point to pull together the different organisations across the system (District Councils, County Council, CCG, community health providers etc.) to plan for growth and put the right people in touch with each other. Iain Green, Public Health Specialist, is already making these connections and will continue to do so in his new pan-County role which starts at the beginning of September 2016. He has confirmed that he will be making early contact with the Head of Planning to start the conversations.
It is our intention to prepare a presentation for the membership of the Joint Committee at one of their forthcoming development sessions, to advise of the health commissioning processes at the interface with planning in the context of growth projections and the wider Strategic Estates Plan, in order to inform their future decision making.
We acknowledge that it is early days and the conversations have just started, but we hope that this early engagement will be a step in the right direction.
I think that means ‘We’re beginning to think about it’, which is at least a start.