District councillor for Sutton, Mepal, Witcham, and Wentworth (East Cambridgeshire District Council) and county councillor for Coveney, Little Downham, Mepal, Pymoor, Sutton, Wardy Hill, Way Head, Witcham, and Witchford (Cambridgeshire County Council)
How can we create communities that are healthier, easy to access, and more inclusive?
What do you think about the places where you live, work, travel and socialise in our county?
This survey is now open and should take around ten or fifteen minutes. Your feedback will help local health and care leaders to understand the experiences and values of Cambridgeshire residents, as they develop their Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
East Cambridgeshire District Council has published the following planning application in the Sutton division.
24/00143/FUL Witcham Witcham House Headleys Lane Witcham CB6 2LH To add two stables and store area to existing stable block.
You can find further information on the district council’s planning pages. If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, please write to the district council and not to me. You can comment
online using the council’s public access web page (the link above);
East Cambridgeshire District Council has published the following planning applications in the Sutton division.
24/00073/FUL Little Downham 37 Cannon Street Little Downham CB6 2SS Garage alterations.
24/00165/FUL Little Downham 5 Acred Close Little Downham CB6 2SE Demolish existing conservatory and replacement single storey rear extension.
24/00151/FUL Witchford 69 Orton Drive Witchford CB6 2JG Conversion of formerly converted garage to form utility room, toilet and boiler room. Works include replacement of previously retained garage door with personnel door and two new windows—part retrospective.
You can find further information on the district council’s planning pages. If you would like to respond formally to the council about any planning application, please write to the district council and not to me. You can comment
online using the council’s public access web page (the link above);
One of the parish councils in the area I represent asked me recentlyabout reporting flooding.
Long story short: if you’re in Cambridgeshire and have experienced flooding, please do report it, even if it’s not internal flooding, and even if the immediate danger has passed.
In the event of a flood, if there is a threat to life call 999. To report a non-life threatening flood emergency to the police, please call 101.
Outside of those events, the County Council’s flood reporting page provides options to:
This just in, with opportunities for funding for local community-run businesses.
My name is George, and I am a Project Support Officer for Plunkett UK and I am writing to raise awareness of a funding opportunity in your area.
Plunkett UK has received funding from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to support communities in the area’s market towns and rural hinterlands to save assets which are at risk of closure, or which have already closed, or to bring new services to their locale.
Plunkett supports people in rural areas to set up and run a wide range of businesses which are genuinely owned by local communities, whereby members have equal and democratic control. They represent community businesses throughout the UK, from shops and pubs through to woodlands, farms, and fisheries.
Funding from the Combined Authority has enabled Plunkett to offer community groups exploring community business as a way to address their communities’ needs, free packages of business support covering everything from financial planning to governance, plus feasibility grants of up to £5,000 and capital grants of up to £45,000.
Business support and grants will be available until March 2025 and can be accessed by contacting Plunkett on 01993 630 022 or emailing info@plunkett.co.uk.
Excellent news today from the NHS in Cambridgeshire. Chief Executive Jan Thomas writes:
“As you are aware, we have been working on a longer-term solution for general practice provision in Sutton. As part of this we undertook an extensive review of existing buildings and potential land purchase options to house general practice services, for current and future residents of Sutton and the surrounding villages.
Following this comprehensive review of options, it has been agreed that the optimal solution is to purchase and retrofit the current Priors Field Surgery building. This assessment was based on criteria relating to i) service need; ii) value for money; iii) deliverability and risk; iv) wider benefits and social value.
We believe that the current Priors Field Surgery building (once brought up to the appropriate standard) will provide patients with continuity of care from the existing central village location, ensuring ease of access and minimal disruption to staff and patients. The decision to start negotiations with the current property owner was therefore approved by our Commissioning and Investment Committee in December 2023, and ratified by the ICB Board today (12 January 2024).
We remain committed to working with the local community, including the Patient Participation Group with whom we’re in regular contact, to ensure Sutton and the surrounding areas continue to have general practice services that meet their needs both now and in the future. We will be updating our dedicated public webpage – www.cpics.org.uk/sutton regarding today’s decision and will continue to keep you informed regarding timescales and developments.”
I’ve long held the view that together, Priors Field, the One Stop, and the pharmacy are a ‘golden triangle’ that hold the centre of our village together. I’m therefore very pleased that the NHS has taken this decision which will be in the interests of all our residents.
In the first four days of January Cambridgeshire County Council has received 37 reports of flooding across the county—and more are still coming in.
The Council is contacting all community flood groups and Parish Councils in the affected areas to offer any support it can, and will continue to check in with them over the next couple of weeks.
In some parts of Cambridgeshire over a month’s worth of rain has already fallen in just the first four days of January, onto ground that is already saturated. The Environment Agency said in mid-December that the soil moisture deficit was 0mm in places—ie the soil had no capacity to soak up any more water.
The average monthly rainfall for January locally is 48.62mm, but Environment Agency rain gauges for the first four days of the month indicate 35.4mm already in Ely, 44mm near Fulbourn, 44.8mm in March, 46.4mm in St Ives, and 52.9mm in Brampton.
The Council expects to receive further flood reports over the coming days—and indeed I received three more this morning which I have passed on to the County Council to add to the growing list across Sutton, Mepal, and Pymoor. So far, the immediate forecast is for several dry days and a period of cold weather, but some rain is forecast upstream around Milton Keynes and Buckingham which feeds the River Great Ouse. This means we could see rising river levels into next week.
I’ve reported to the County Council’s flood and water team and drainage and resilience team every instance of flooding in the first few days of this year that has been advised to me, and will continue to keep a log so that I can check progress with council officers as they carry out their flood investigations.
Reporting flooding
For flood or storm issues which are an immediate threat to life call 999.
For highways emergencies that are a risk to property call 0345 045 5212 9:00AM to 5:00PM Monday to Friday, or the Police on 101 out of hours. See also https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/roadworks-and-faults/report-a-highways-emergency
To report existing flooding visit https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/report-a-flood
Checking river levels
To check the river level at Earith before your journey, visit https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6180
For Sutton Gault, it’s https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6252
And for Welney, it’s https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6245
For whatever reason, not everyone will feel ready or able to join in with Christmas festivities. If you’re struggling, here are some of the people who are there to help.
Witcham Parish Council recently contacted me and the county council over a blocked drain causing flooding of some of the graves at Witcham cemetery.
The county council’s highways maintenance team and their contractor Milestone met with their drainage specialists onsite on Friday 22 December. They were able to remove four tankers’ worth of water to alleviate the flooding and lower the water level in the ditch. They were also able to do some jetting but hit an obstruction in the pipework between the open ditch and another ditch at the end of a hedge line.
This information is now with the county council’s Flood Risk Management Team and investigations will continue in the new year. Thanks to all involved.
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough has launched a survey on police funding for 2024/25. The survey is at https://forms.office.com/e/PSEtUmuUD8 and will remain open until Tuesday 2 January.