Free school meals and safe reopening of schools: a letter to the Education Secretary

As a local councillor I’ve signed the cross-party letter to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson MP asking for:

  • assurances that all families with children eligible for free school meals will receive vouchers for the full period of school closure, including school holidays. This may need to be in retrospect for families who have not yet been able to access their vouchers;
  • assurances that families eligible for free school meals will be given food vouchers to sustain them during the summer holidays;
  • the Government to continue to work with local authorities and schools to ensure vulnerable children do not ‘slip through the net’ and the necessary financial support is available to councils to support families fleeing domestic violence;
  • schools only to be reopened when it is safe to do so, for both teachers and students;
  • local authorities be given a role in coordinating with schools, trade unions and the Department for Education on a safe end to school closures.

The text of the letter is here for information, but is for signature only by councillors with addresses

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